Ash came up to me while I was preparing lunch today and asked, "Why are we having peanut butter and jelly sandwiches again?"
I told him in a conversational way that we should be glad that we have pb&j, because there are kids in Africa right now that are very hungry. Kids that would LOVE to have a sandwich to eat. Kids that might only have a little water to drink today.
He said, "oh." And left the kitchen.
A few minutes later, I'd forgotten the conversation, but Ash came in and said brightly, "Mom! I just prayed for the kids in Africa! So they could have food!"
I felt so glad as I heard those words, but as I turned to praise him, I saw his eyes. They were wet and blotchy, and my heart broke. Asher had been weeping for those hungry boys and girls on the other side of the world. I held him in my arms, and he cried some more.
We talked about some things we could do to make a difference. Ash's face showed huge relief and joy at the thought of finding a child in Africa to send money for food, clothes and schooling.
I wonder about my boy. About a four year old with a heart so big that he would cry with empathy for children he has never seen. A boy so generous that he told me to take all of his money for these children because he "doesn't need it." What kind of man will he be? How will he be used by God? How will he serve? How can I guide and encourage him so he never loses this way of seeing the world?
My heart is so full.