Thursday, January 21, 2010

Going Rogue

I have no qualms about turning 30.

In fact, I have found myself amazed at how comfortable I've become with who I am. How confident I feel in my own skin. How much I've learned. How much I am growing.

The only thing that has surprised me is my hair. I have always pictured myself as a woman who ages gracefully and naturally, with a laugh-lined face and silver hair...

I just didn't expect that silver hair to start appearing in my twenties.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Haiti Earthquake Rescue Effort
I have had a crazy swirl of thoughts in my brain for the past week. Nothing I could really pin down, but tragic news from Haiti, thoughts of a friend's brave humility in facing her family's needs, our own tight budget, the cold, grey weather...all have been combining to make me a little sad and a little thoughtful, with a dash of sudden clarity.

We have enough.

I am not mixing up mud pies to take the edge off my children's starvation. I am not pulling my husband's mangled body from the wreckage of our home. I am not singing praises to my God with tears streaming down my face as I stand near the pile of rubble that used to be my church. I am not suddenly robbed of my family and alone in my fears and brokenness.

I am rich.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Fathers be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers be good to your daughters too

I'm not a John Mayer fan, but this song is definitely one woven into the fabric of my being. I have a very quick boiling point when I see thoughtless fathers tearing down their precious daughters. I witnessed such an "incident" while out grocery shopping last night, and it's been hurting me ever since.

Wish there was something I could do.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Growing Up

We went to a local kid's playplace this morning so the boys could run off some energy.

After a while, Ash came up to me with this picture in hand. He'd made a new friend.

And I had a glimpse into the future.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


It was -3 degrees when we left for the gym this morning.

Colin sat quietly in the back of the van, watching his breath come out in smokey puffs.

After a few minutes, he asked me seriously, "Mom, are we dragons?"

Monday, January 4, 2010

Asher's Letter

Asher loves my brother Josh! As you can see in the photo, Josh is the kind of high-energy guy that will not only jump with his nephews on a trampoline, he'll throw them up in the air WHILE on said trampoline.

Josh is a high school math teacher, leads worship at his church AND has a Beneli Super Black Eagle rifle. Uncle Josh and Aunt Erin mentioned once that they'd love to have Ash and Colin come over for a sleepover...after hunting season was over.

Asher's been anxiously counting the days, and when he realized that January marked the end of hunting season, sent Uncle Josh this letter:

Dear Uncle Josh

When are we going to your house? I really want to cause I want to get out of our house right now because Eva is crying and she is really annoying and hurting my ears with all that screaming.

I really love you Josh, and I will always love you.

I can bring a game. I will play with your games.

When will you have your baby?

I want to play Road Runner and Coyote Wyote with you, upstairs and downstairs.
I really love you cause you're so good, and you like to play that game with me. Don't play too rough when we play Coyote Wyote.

Josh, I love you, and I will always be your friend, Josh.

Love, your friend,