Monday, January 4, 2010

Asher's Letter

Asher loves my brother Josh! As you can see in the photo, Josh is the kind of high-energy guy that will not only jump with his nephews on a trampoline, he'll throw them up in the air WHILE on said trampoline.

Josh is a high school math teacher, leads worship at his church AND has a Beneli Super Black Eagle rifle. Uncle Josh and Aunt Erin mentioned once that they'd love to have Ash and Colin come over for a sleepover...after hunting season was over.

Asher's been anxiously counting the days, and when he realized that January marked the end of hunting season, sent Uncle Josh this letter:

Dear Uncle Josh

When are we going to your house? I really want to cause I want to get out of our house right now because Eva is crying and she is really annoying and hurting my ears with all that screaming.

I really love you Josh, and I will always love you.

I can bring a game. I will play with your games.

When will you have your baby?

I want to play Road Runner and Coyote Wyote with you, upstairs and downstairs.
I really love you cause you're so good, and you like to play that game with me. Don't play too rough when we play Coyote Wyote.

Josh, I love you, and I will always be your friend, Josh.

Love, your friend,