Thursday, February 25, 2010

The True Measure

Assessing her waistline
Thought this was really good...

Whether it was back in seventh-grade or just yesterday, females compare themselves to each other constantly, if quietly. Are you there? Battered by the winds of insecurity or possessions?

At the root of these feelings is a fear that who we are is not enough. A deceptive voice that tells us we're threatened by others. And a profound desire to have, that tramples on the blessings God has already given us. If left to fester, these feelings can erode a woman's inner peace, and eat away at her family's views of God's provision as well.

You can pray your way out. God adores you. Every baby-scarred, bleary-eyed, doubting inch of you. Ask him to free you from self-destructive comparisons. Imagine a world where we celebrate each woman's strengths, without making them our own weaknesses.

Susan Besze Wallace


  1. I LOVE this and believe it whole heartedly! We need to band together as women and mothers to encourage each other, not stand in harsh comparison to our dearest friends! I decided when Ash was about 7 months old that I needed to love and accept the women around me and stop feeling the need to one-up. Nothing makes me more sad than other women (especially moms) who push themselves away this way.
    Man Rachel, I just think you are wonderful.

  2. Yes, thanks for this reminder. Giving thanks for friends and women such as yourself. :)

  3. This is great. So much truth!
