Saturday, January 22, 2011

It's Time

My ankles disappeared last week.

The baby's head dropped into position, making me constantly wonder if I need to pee or not...and of course, that's not something you can leave to chance!

My back and pelvis ache, my stomach skin is about to split, and I think my ribs are permanently bruised from little baby feet.

BUT, tomorrow is my due date! The day that promises that my body's aches will soon be over, and our family will be able to hold a tiny, sweet-smelling little boy. I don't expect him to arrive right on his due date, but it's enough for me to know that the time is here...he will probably join us some day this week!

I also enjoy knowing that this little guy will complete our family (at least the members I am responsible to give birth to!). I can't express how much I am looking forward to this next stage of life...turning back into "Rachel" instead of "pregnant mom".

Funny story...we always keep our baby's name a secret until they're born (I know, I know), so the other day I told the boys that one of our favorite names for the new baby starts with a 'W'. Asher's guess?

Wedgie Hausam.


  1. thanks for the reminder of what i don't wanna do to myself... hahah...

    and rey and i got a good laugh about asher figuring out baby #4's name! ;)

  2. hahahaha!!! wedgie hausam! i love "w" names.

  3. Oh. My . Goodness.
    I think you should go with it.
