Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Let the Ride Begin

Vegas or Bust

Nick lost his job.

There, I've said it.

How do I feel? Amazingly, I feel peace. Security. The feeling that everything will be fine. I admit, it's been a journey to reach this place, but I'm here and I'm excited to see the ways that God will work to provide for our family.

Our school district is in upheaval right now...fighting parental apathy, closing schools, letting many, many teachers go. Nick just happens to be nontenured, the group of teachers first on the chopping block, so his position will be filled by a tenured teacher. There are hundreds of teachers applying for few openings, so his prospects for next year are fairly non-existant.

When the news of his (indefinite?) unemployment sank in, I felt a bit of panic. We have three small children, monthly bills, house payments, would we stay above water? Nick is a very skilled carpenter, so I knew he could be self employed in that way, but the uncertainty of steady income scared me.

I began to think about several things:
1. I want Nick to love the work he does. And, he LOVES the satisfaction of working with his hands - he finds great fulfillment in seeing a project from beginning to end.

2. I KNOW God will provide. He is good, He is our Father, and from the day Nick and I were married He has been so faithful to meet our family's needs. I am foolish to ask for proof of how He will provide, when He has given such ample evidence of his faithfulness.

3. It is good for me to live by faith. To trust that we will be given our daily bread. To marvel with my children at the way God meets our needs. To embrace a simple life - one without frills and excess and clutter. To live in the excited joy of met needs and answered prayers. To be stretched when circumstances aren't easy.

The next year or so will be interesting for us. I sense that it will be a pivotal time in our family's story...can't wait to see what happens!

1 comment:

  1. You're such a rockstar, Rach. I'm so glad I get to be your friend through this journey, that I get to be your friend period. God has something indelibly awe inspiring at hand, I just know it.
