I can clearly remember May 18, 2005. I had my first contraction at 1:30 am, labored through the night and saw the sun rise through my window. The experience of seeing morning come made me feel like I had been in labor forever...and that it would never end.
I am somewhat ashamed to say that I was not eager to be pregnant or have a child at this point in my life. Nick and I had not even celebrated our first anniversary, he was working and going to school full time, we lived in a very unfinished house...and I was reluctant to have our lives and freedom hampered by the responsibility of adding a baby to it all.
What changed my attitude? The miracle of a squirmy, wet, purplish little boy. Our son. We named him Asher, which means happy and blessed; one who walks a straight path. It was his name and also our prayer for him. His life and heart have exceeded our greatest expectations...I could not be more proud of my boy!
I interviewed him today...to record a bit of the five year old Asher:
What do you want to do when you grow up?
Help Dad build houses.
What are your favorite foods?
Chili dogs and ice cream.
Favorite toy?
I love all my new Legos.
What's your favorite animal?
The rhino, because it has horns and it's tough.
Your favorite vehicle?
Army Jeep.
Favorite color?
Happy birthday to my sweet Asher...
And thank you, God, for knowing I needed him.